Tuesday, October 15, 2013


What a week.

2 days of language rehearsal
11 shows in 4 days
Bus travel day to Rosario

Our bodies are aching and in need of a couple of days of rest!! We have 3 shows here in Rosario in the next two days, then we bus back to Buenos Aires for 3 more shows at the Gran Rex.
Just rubbing out our sore muscles!

Although the shows were exhausting, it was a really fun week. Clara was able to come to 3 of our shows and brought some friends and family along as well! We went out to dinner with her after the first show she came to and I let her and her friend from school order whatever they wanted for the three of us to share. I have no idea what any of it was called but there were two delicious sausages, something with a lot of cheese, and pork chops I think. It was very delicious!
She even brought flowers!!!! She is the sweetest!!!!

Our names in the program!!!

Clara came to our two shows on Monday! Afterwards, we walked back to the hotel to drop off our stuff(and grab some amazing empanadas on the way). Clara drove 3 of the girls and I to her town in Northern Buenos Aires. She took us to her BEAUTIFUL home where we admired her father's paintings, ate a piece of a dulce de leche cake her sister made, and fawned over her mother's subway-map placemats! It was so nice seeing her home and her family and getting a feel for her everyday life. It was getting dark and we were starving so we drove down by the river to find a place to eat. We had a delicious meal at a little local place and Clara ordered for all of us in her speedy Spanish that we are all so jealous of! We all listen in awe when she speaks.

The backyard of the Daray abode!!!

Tiny race cars! (Her dad used to be a racecar driver and now owns a Car television show that Clara works for. He learned to drive in the old one!)

The best part about Argentina has been all of the visitors different cast members have had. A boyfriend, a best friend, a mother, an old friend...It's just like on the ship: when someone has a friend or family member visit it feels like your own friend or relative. It was especially wonderful knowing they were in the audience to cheer us on and keep us going on those long 3-show days. They also took some pictures!!! So I finally have some shots of myself in a couple of the scenes!!!
My friend, the Magic Carpet

Sebastian and the Daughters of Triton (I'm in pink)

Opening of Act II. Such a trippy shot! (On the left)

My favorite picture and my favorite moment of the whole show! (Behind Goofy)

Today we left Buenos Aires at 8:00am and arrived in Rosario around 1:30pm. I slept half the trip and watched Act II of Legally Blonde the Musical the second half of the trip...so I enjoyed the ride!

View from my room!

It is going to be a long week with a lot of traveling, but we are ready for it!!! Sleeping in tomorrow will be very nice...

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