Sunday, October 27, 2013


When I was on the ship I heard this phrase from a good friend of mine: "Bless and release."
We used it in situations where someone was getting on our nerves and all we could do was say a prayer for them despite how we felt, and let go and move on from the situation. It's definitely a phrase and practice I've picked up on.

This past week in Asuncion, Paraguay has been one of those Bless and Release kind of weeks...but not toward people, more toward situations:
Our PR schedule is an all day, up in the air kind of thing...
Our venue has no AC and and it's about 95 degrees onstage...
Our hotel bathroom floods and we have to switch rooms...
Our venue is full of mosquitos that apparently love my knees...
Our set and curtain cues are off because we don't have any local crew members...

Although it has been a trying week for my stamina and my patience, I feel more blessed than ever to be a part of DL6. It turns out that Mickey's Music Festival is the first children's show to ever come to Paraguay! Which also means that we are the first Disney Live show to come to Paraguay! The audience was nearly sold out every show and the crowd was constantly cheering with excitement over every character and dance number! I have never experienced that reaction from an audience in all of my years of performing. There was an incredible ROAR after the final pose of each song and it only got stronger throughout the show. By the finale it seemed everyone was on their feet dancing with us and the front of the house was packed with children waving at us and calling the characters' names. Even the magic carpet got a roar!!! I have never felt so loved and appreciated while on stage like that before...and when you feel that love, it makes you want to give 10 times more despite hot much energy you are exhausting or how much hydration you are losing as you sweat.  I will admit there were tears in my eyes after every number, and after the finale...forget it. Too good.

So at the end of the day, I was the one who was BLESSED and all of my frustrations were completely RELEASED on that stage.

Every inch of the stadium was filled along with the space in front of the chairs!

Families washing car windows for tips.
Children drinking the soapy water from said car washing buckets.
Neighborhoods with security on every block and fences with barbed wire to prevent theft.
Guards with guns inside of banks.
Schools without air conditioning.
The slums of Buenos Aires.
Men walking around without shoes.
Jugglers performing at red lights for tips.
People selling socks on the street.
Vendors outside of our shows blowing up hundreds of Disney character balloons to sell.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


What a week.

2 days of language rehearsal
11 shows in 4 days
Bus travel day to Rosario

Our bodies are aching and in need of a couple of days of rest!! We have 3 shows here in Rosario in the next two days, then we bus back to Buenos Aires for 3 more shows at the Gran Rex.
Just rubbing out our sore muscles!

Although the shows were exhausting, it was a really fun week. Clara was able to come to 3 of our shows and brought some friends and family along as well! We went out to dinner with her after the first show she came to and I let her and her friend from school order whatever they wanted for the three of us to share. I have no idea what any of it was called but there were two delicious sausages, something with a lot of cheese, and pork chops I think. It was very delicious!
She even brought flowers!!!! She is the sweetest!!!!

Our names in the program!!!

Clara came to our two shows on Monday! Afterwards, we walked back to the hotel to drop off our stuff(and grab some amazing empanadas on the way). Clara drove 3 of the girls and I to her town in Northern Buenos Aires. She took us to her BEAUTIFUL home where we admired her father's paintings, ate a piece of a dulce de leche cake her sister made, and fawned over her mother's subway-map placemats! It was so nice seeing her home and her family and getting a feel for her everyday life. It was getting dark and we were starving so we drove down by the river to find a place to eat. We had a delicious meal at a little local place and Clara ordered for all of us in her speedy Spanish that we are all so jealous of! We all listen in awe when she speaks.

The backyard of the Daray abode!!!

Tiny race cars! (Her dad used to be a racecar driver and now owns a Car television show that Clara works for. He learned to drive in the old one!)

The best part about Argentina has been all of the visitors different cast members have had. A boyfriend, a best friend, a mother, an old friend...It's just like on the ship: when someone has a friend or family member visit it feels like your own friend or relative. It was especially wonderful knowing they were in the audience to cheer us on and keep us going on those long 3-show days. They also took some pictures!!! So I finally have some shots of myself in a couple of the scenes!!!
My friend, the Magic Carpet

Sebastian and the Daughters of Triton (I'm in pink)

Opening of Act II. Such a trippy shot! (On the left)

My favorite picture and my favorite moment of the whole show! (Behind Goofy)

Today we left Buenos Aires at 8:00am and arrived in Rosario around 1:30pm. I slept half the trip and watched Act II of Legally Blonde the Musical the second half of the I enjoyed the ride!

View from my room!

It is going to be a long week with a lot of traveling, but we are ready for it!!! Sleeping in tomorrow will be very nice...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Buenos Aires!!!

We made it to Argentina! And I cannot get the song "Buenos Aires" from Evita out of my head!!!!

We are so lucky to be right in the downtown which happens to remind me a lot of Times Square in New York. We are within walking distance from our theatre, The Gran Rex which happens to be one of the best venues in Argentina according to my local friend Clara! She wasn't kidding either! There are three levels to this beautiful theater and my guess is that it hold 5000 or more people (don't quote me on that).

We are literally on the Broadway of Argentina! I think that's pretty darn cool!!!

We arrived at our hotel around 6pm on Monday and after walking around a little bit and deciding we didn't want to eat out, 3 of the girls in my cast and I concocted a little girls night in! We ordered room service and watched "Letters to Juliet." It was so nice to be with some of the girls I've grown closest to and it reminded me of all my PAKKAJES girls at home (MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!).

Tuesday was our day off so a couple of the girls and I let one of our prop men and his husband from Buenos Aires show us some of the sights! First we visited Expectamus Dominum, this famous cemetery that holds the body of Eva Peron! All of the elaborate tombs were so unique and detailed with statues and carvings and decorations of all sorts. There were some very large mausoleum's and some spaces that were just small tombstones. These were family tombs built to hold many generations. You could see inside most of the tombs and see countless levels of coffins or staircases that led to a black abyss deep beneath the earth. Some were well kept with fresh (or fake) flowers on the gates or flawless polished marble walls. Others looked as if they had been broken into and robbed or had just withered away with time and weather.

Of course, like any tourist, we found the tomb that held Eva Peron. It's quite unimpressive compared to what you might expect because she is buried with her family under the name, Duerte. The only way you can find it is if there are people surrounding it, you see the many flowers posted on the gate, or you are led to it by a guide. There is a very interesting story surrounding her body as well. Apparently her body was embalmed and toured around for about a year. Then someone stole her hands. Gross and weird.

Overall, the Cemetery was like a museum. It was so full of history and beautiful art. You would have loved it, mom!

Next we took a taxi to the other side of Buenos Aires to a place called La Boca. It's a lovely street designed for tourists with colorful buildings and paintings on random walls and lots of little souvenir shops and restaurants with live tango. We got lunch and I tried my first Argentinian empanada.
Side note: You always have to ask for hot sauce because they don't eat spicy food in Argentina. I was so surprised by that statement!
So we had lunch and watched the tango dancers. Two of the couples weren't very exciting and seemed pretty over it. But the third couple was very fun to watch. They really seemed like they were having fun together and they did the Zamba (a flirtatious dance with handkerchiefs)!
The girls and I also learned for the gentlemen we were with that the "tourist price" for a 2-bedroom full furnished apartment with utilities, a pool, and a great location in downtown Buenos Aires is about $800/month. The non-tourist price is $600...Who wants to move here?

After lunch we walked around the shops and looked at all the fun souvenirs and the girls bought a few things to bring home. Everyone seems to have a little thing they collect from all the countries they visit" postcards, shot glasses, pins, patches, etc. I want to start something like that!! Any ideas? I might have to go back to s few countries, but I don't mind!

When we finally returned to our hotel on De Julio (the widest street in the world), I had about an hour and a half until I was meeting some friends to go see Clara's production of "Company." She was wonderful enough to work out a nice little discount for the 6 of us that wanted to go! The theater was about a 20 minute walk from our hotel which was perfect! The show was all in Spanish and I had no idea what anyone was saying because Argentinians speak incredibly fast, but I understood the general storyline and the songs were AMAZING. All of the leads are famous Argentinian actors and TV stars. I was so proud to see Clara up on that stage with all of that talent! I held my breath every time she came on and cried a little when she sang her songs because 1. she is INCREDIBLE and 2. I forgot how much I really missed her after being apart for nearly 2 years!!! All of my cast members that came loved the show as well and thankfully, a couple of them were pretty fluent in Spanish and explained to us all that had happened!

After the show Clara and I hugged each other for probably a solid minute with tears in our eyes! She introduced us to some of her cast and invited us to dinner with them as well. Most everyone went back home to go to bed because it was 1am, but my friend Jeremy and I joined them and had a blast catching up and toasting to each other! Many of them want to come see our show too!!!! I can't wait to have some friends in the audience!

It was quite a successful day!!!

Oh and since we are in Argentina, we now do the Spanish version of our show! And I JUST got the hang of the Portuguese...haha!

I wasn't in Brazil yet for this, but this is my lovely and hilarious cast:

Buenas noches!!!
(Sooooo happy to be in a Spanish-speaking country!!!)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


So I said I would make a list of the Portuguese words I have learned...Let's see...

obrigada - thank you
nao obrigada - no thank you
muito obrigada - thank you very much
frango - chicken
milho - corn
quiejo - cheese
presunto - ham
laranja - orange
uvo - grape
sanitario - toilet/restroom
desculpa - I'm sorry/excuse me
aqua sem gas - regular water
pateta - Goofy

That's really all I know and use...

Today was a lovely day off! This city reminds me of Spain a little bit. The architecture has more of a European feel than I expected, but it is beautiful and unique in it's own way. I got an $11 pedicure at a salon down the street, ate lunch at a cute little diner, explored the marketplace and bought some bananas and homemade gelato, tried my first carmel-filled churro, laughed at the creepy masks in a Halloween store, and went grocery shopping. It's 8:00pm and I'm already in bed considering just going to sleep early because I'm so tired.

Tomorrow starts the beginning of our 12 show week. It's gonna go 1 show, 2 shows, 3 shows, 3 shows, 3 shows, travel day, ARGENTINA!!! It is going to be a busy week but I am excited to perform the show and get through this week so I can speak Spanish and most importantly, see Clara in Buenos Aires (a close friend from my contract on the Disney Dream)!!!!